Members are reminded that the St Lucie River Chapter Sons of the American Revolution meets the first Saturday of each month, October thru May, at the Pig and Cattle Company, 2583 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994. Meetings begin at 11:00 AM.

As approved at the December meeting, as each member signs in he will pay the Treasurer for his meal and be given a menu; menus will be collected by the restaurant staff (see the December Minutes for further information).

The St Lucie River Chapter would like each member to prepare a five minute presentation on their Patriot(s) and be prepared to present it at a monthly meeting of your choosing. See First Vice President Robert E Beasley, Sr. for further information and scheduling.

Members that have not paid their 2019 dues are reminded that they should pay their dues as soon as possible.

St Lucie River Chapter – Sons of the American Revolution is on Facebook at @StLucieRiverSAR

The SAR EMS Award was presented by President Chuck Berger to Captain Michael Gardener, Martin County Fire Department.

Martin County Fire Department Bureau Chief Christopher Stabile accepted the Firefighter Award from President Chuck Berger for Captain Randy Spiegelhalter who was unable to attend the meeting.

The Sons of the American Revolution Law Enforcement Award was presented by President Chuck Berger to Deputy Sheriff Erik Day of the Martin County Sheriff’s Department. This is the third SAR LEO Award presented this year by the St Lucie River Chapter SAR. At the November Meeting Police Sergeant Kitrick Downham , Sewall’s Point Police Department and Sergeant Downham, Stuart Police Department received the award.

Presentation of the Sons of the American Revolution Law Enforcement Awards was made by Vice President Robert Beasley, Sr to one officer each from Sewall’s Point Police Department and the Stuart Police Department.

The Sewall’s Point LEO Award was presented to Sergeant Kitrick Downham. A representative from the Sewall’s Point Police Department read a letter from Chief Tina Ciechanowski detailing why Sergeant Downham was selected; she was unable to attend due to a prior commitment.

The Stuart LEO Award was presented to Officer Jack Pecci. Acting Stuart Police Chief Joseph Tumminelli read a letter indicating why Officer Pecci was selected.

President Chuck Berger gave a brief and informative presentation on his Patriot Ancestor.

Compatriot Hall Reidiger gave a brief presentation on one of his Patriot Ancestors and volunteered to give an additional presentation at the December meeting.

THE SAR Color Guard will participate in Veterans Day activities at Veterans Memorial Park in Port St Lucie.

All members of the St Lucie River Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution  are reminded that dues are being accepted.  Chapter dues are $70.00 per person; this includes National, State, and Chapter dues.  We hope to make the final payments to State and National by December 31st.  Please remit your dues to the Chapter Treasurer and make checks payable to St Lucie River Chapter SAR.

Next meeting is on December 1st at 11:00 AM at the Pig and Cattle in Stuart. Members are reminded to bring non-perishable food items for our Annual Food Drive.

The St Lucie River Chapter Sons of the American Revolution held it’s October 2018 meeting at our new meeting site, the Pig and Cattle in Stuart, Florida.  Meeting was called to order by President Chuck Berger.

The following awards were presented:

SAR Heroism Medal was awarded to Ryan Ruskin, a 14 year old young man who shared his surfboard with a man that was drowning after his boat sank near the Jupiter Inlet.

SAR Life Saving Medal was awarded to Robert Goldman.  Robert witnessed an automobile and a motorcycle collide near his high school; the rider of the motorcycle had a large bleeding wound on his leg.  Robert placed a belt around the leg and made a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.  The EMS responders indicated that Robert’s quick thinking kept the injured man alive for the trip to the hospital.

Compatriot John Auld received the SAR Meritorious Service Award.

Compatriot (and new member) William Cyril Cassada was awarded the SAR War Service Medal.

Three new members were sworn in by Registrar Steve Laster.

          Peter Stackhouse Bullock, Patriot: Ebenezer Parker, Sgt, MA

          John Foster Stinson, Patriot: John Gleason, Pvt, MA

          William Cyril Cassada, Patriot: Joseph Beaman, Pvt, MA and NH

Compatriot Gary Paul Miles was recognized for a Supplemental Patriot, Ebenezer Folson, who was a Colonel in the NC Cumberland County Militia and a Member of the North Carolina 1778 House of Commons.


All members are reminded that the location, day of the month and time of the St Lucie River Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution have changed.  Please see the Events Calendar for the location information and directions.

Monthly meeting of the St. Lucie River Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution.

The meeting begins at 11:00 AM, the waitress will quietly take orders during the meeting;  at approximately 12:00 PM lunch will be delivered to your seat and you will receive a bill for your order.  Lunch will be a la carte and members may choose any item from the menu.   Chapter members are responsible for paying their own meal tabs and tipping wait staff.


All members of the St Lucie River Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution  are reminded that dues are being accepted.  Chapter dues are $70.00 per person; this includes National, State, and Chapter dues.  We hope to make the final payments to State and National by December 31st.  Please remit your dues to the Chapter Treasurer and make checks payable to St Lucie River Chapter SAR.

We are currently in the midst of a complete overhaul of the St. Lucie River Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution website. Please excuse the dust as we add and evolve.

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